Do I need a dehumidifier?

Does your home feel humid or moist? If there is a high percentage of humidity in your home you may feel uncomfortable and there may be conditions for mold and mildew to grow-affecting your indoor air quality and possibly even your health. We can monitor and evaluate existing conditions in your home to determine your situation and then take steps to reduce the humidity in your living space, making your home feel better. We see homes with high humidity as a result of inadequate ventilation, inadequate air sealing, and poor duct sealing all the time. Call us today 864-606-3905 or email us at to discuss your problem and arrange a time for us to come by!

mold on walls

mold behind furniture

Together, we can transform your home into a healthier, safer, more affordable place to live for you and your family.

Get started today with a FREE consultation and a FREE quote.


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Hey Dean! I wanted to let you know that the insulation in the room over our garage is working great! It was 87 degrees outside today, and the thermometer we had in the room read an arctic 71 degrees -- right where my wife likes it. Thanks so much!